Monday, February 21, 2011


Clover strolled out of camp with a big smile. things were going wonderfully! Many people had already come to the tribe, perhaps she was making Sky happy. She wandered to the Beach once again, wanting the familiar salty breeze to blow her hair and allow her to breath it it. As she came close, she heard a loud, hammering sound. Clover zipped to a palm tree at the edge of the forest and peeked from behind it.

There was a tall, black-haired girl hammering at some wood that seemed to be taking the shape of a hut. Clover stepped silently forward, the sand sliding away after her footsteps."What are you doing?" She asked, making the girl jump and turn around. She quickly reached down and pulled up a small pocket knife."Back off! I'm warning you!"

Clover sighed."I'm not going to hurt you, I'm not an animal." The girl slowly put her knife down."Who are you then?" She asked, much more nicer than before."I'm Clover. I lead a tribe that lives on this island." The girl stood up."Well count me in, my hut isn't really working out." Clover watched the hut as it creaked and fell over."You'll need a different name than the one you have now." The girl nodded and stood in thought.

"Could I do, Zuri?" Clover smiled."Perfect! Just follow me." She led the newly named Zuri through the Hunting Grounds."When we get there, I can have Amber or somebody show you around." Clover thought for a moment."The only problem in our tribe is that we don't have a true healer. Only Haven and I know a bit of healing, so try and not get hurt." She looked back and smiled at Zuri as they approached camp."Here we are." She invited Zuri into the clearing. People looked up, hearing Clover and saw Zuri.

Some of the guys dropped the jaws and straightened up to look appealing."Seems like your looks will win you some points here." Clover whispered to Zuri, giggling. She saw Haven look away, his and entwined with Ivy's. How sweet! She sighed happily and headed to the Leader's Hut.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Zeke and Adrian

Clover was about to head to the beach a third time, hoping for new arrivals. A familiar whispering sound passed her ear, directing her to the shallows.Why do the ancestors want me there? She thought for a moment, but decided not to challenge them and followed it. As she approached, she saw two guys bent over one of the pools. One had shaggy blonde hair, the other shaggy black hair. The blonde snapped his head up to see Clover."Who are you?" He flipped a spear forward.

Clover smiled."It's okay, I won't hurt you." The blonde didn't budge."I said, who are you?" She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes."Well, I'm Clover. LEADER," She emphasized."Of the Tribe of the Moon. Who are you?" The boys glanced at each other and straightened up."I'm Zach," The blonde said."And this is my brother Sam. We crashed here quite a while ago." Clover thought for a bit."That's strange, I'm sure me and my tribe would have found you."

"Well, ya didn't." The Zach bent down to pick up his spear."But now that we have, why don't you join us?" Zach glared at her briefly."And why would we do that?" Sam muttered to himself."Because there's no where else to go." Zach looked to the sky thoughtfully."Fine. But you're not telling me what to do."

"If I can beat you to camp I can, but you need new names." Clover mused, but Zach looked stern."I'm fine with my name, thank you." Clover sighed."No, I mean it. It's tribe tradition, and would offend the ancestors." Zach rolled his eyes."Zeke is as far as I'll go." Clover nodded, and looked at Sam."I like Adrian." He looked up with a slight smile. Clover smiled back.

Zeke and Arian quickly gathered their possessions."So, where is camp?" Clover smirked."Just follow me, but you still have to beat me!" She laughed and sped off with incredible speed.

Lots of new members! (But no guys sadly XD)

Clover once again slipped out of camp as Haven helped Amber and Fawn settle in. She felt that she maybe should head to the beach everyday, since new people may come. It also reminded her of Sky, so she didn't stop running until she could feel the familiar golden sand between her toes. She went closer to the ocean as the sun was setting. This was Clovers favorite time of day, watching the sun sink into the ocean and the stars appearing one by one.

Clover tensed and stood quickly as a black shape came whirring out of the sky. She could sense easily what it was. A plane! She quickly jumped behind a rock to avoid harm. A loud boom shook the island, and the beach was lit up with fire. Clover stood again, peering at the wreckage. Ashes and sparks flew with the wind as she approached carefully. She saw the dead bodies of many, but towards the back was a group of moaning girls.

She quickly unbuckled them and dragged each to a small beach cave nearby. She was sad to find that one was an innocent little girl. Clover sat by them, waiting until they woke at about midnight. Two girls about her age sat up and looked at her, then noticed their wounds were bandaged in seaweed."Who are you?" One with long brown hair asked."I'm Clover, Leader of the Tribe of the moon." A few more girls awoke as Clover told them and looked confused as well."Your plane just barely crashed." The little girl frowned."I thought so, what do we do?" Clover helped each girl stand.

"Well, since there is no way off this island, you'll be joining my tribe. What are your names?" Each girl stared hesitantly, but then said their names slowly."I'm Charlotte," The girl with brown hair spoke first. The other one with black hair stepped forward."I'm Jenna." Another one with brown hair stood up, she had been hiding near the back."I'm Emma." The little girl smiled weakly."I'm Emily.." Clover nodded."However, You need different names since your joining the tribe. Why don't you all think of one on the way?"

Each one nodded, a little more prepared. Clover led them each into the forest."I'll need Haven to come and scavenge for things off the plane later." She commented as the fire from the crash dimmed."Who's that?" Jenna pushed forward."Oh, my friend. To bad he's the only guy in the tribe now." Jenna smiled eagerly."Well, my new name's going to be Ivy." Clover smiled with her."That's a pretty name."

"I'm Scarlette!" Emily shouted, excited by an adventure."I'll be Viper." Emma said, lingering near the back of the group. Just as they came to camp, the last one spoke."Can I be Alice? I know it's a real name, but it's not very common and I've always loved it." Clover thought for a moment."Sure," She smiled, then introduced the girls to camp.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Amber and Fawn (With their pets)

Clover walked slowly on the beach. The sun made her hair glow, and she looked like an angel. She saw a huge pillar of smoke, much like the one she had seen the day of the wreck. Realizing she must find survivors, and sprinted towards it, swift as a deer. She approached a large, plain looking ship with its walls scattered on the beach.
She ran to a metal heap that moved, and lifted it away to a girl hugging her tom cat. She carefully dragged the girl to the water to clean off her wounds, and the cats jumped back to the sand, watching. The girl slowly opened her eyes and looked shocked to see Clover."Who are you?" She asked, but winced at her pain."That doesn't matter right now, we need to treat your wounds." Clover grabbed seaweed and rubbed the girls cuts.

"Is that even sanitary?" Clover nodded."Ocean seaweed is better for wounds than anything else." She took the girl back to the sand, where her cat curled into her arms."Whats your name?" Clover asked gently.
"Rachel," The girl said hesitantly."Well, not anymore. You need a new name?" The girl sat up quickly."What?" Clover smiled."You see, there is no way of this island, nor anyway to survive alone. You'll be joining my tribe. What should your new name be?" Rachel thought for a while."Well, I've always liked the name Amber."

Clover clapped her hands together."Sounds perfect!" Do I need to carry you or can you walk?" Amber stood up confidently." I think I can walk just fine." Clover smiled and led her into the jungle.

~On the other side of the island~

Haven plucked the shell off of a crab he had caught. He heard the rustling of sand and turned to see a girl running towards him. She collapsed on the sand, out of breath. Haven dropped the crab and ran to her."Are you okay?"
The girl moaned and looked up at him."Who are you?" Haven smiled."I'm Haven. I'm from the Tribe of the Moon." She looked at him funny."You don't look like the tribe type." Haven rolled his eyes."Trust, I've been here many years. So what happened to you?"

He leaned the girl against a palm tree."My name's Taylor. I was on an airplane to the Caribbean, but there was a horrible storm. The pilot was killed, but the autopilot took us close to the water. I managed to get onto a life-raft, and I floated all the way here without a scratch."
Haven nodded."Well, it seems you'll be joining our tribe." Taylor shrugged."Looks like nothing else to do." Haven smiled and lifted her off the ground."You're gonna need a new name you know." Taylor nodded and thought.

"Deer are my favorite animals, especially the fawns." Haven looked in the direction of camp."We'll just go through there. Welcome to our tribe, Fawn."

Thursday, February 17, 2011


~Years ago~

Kristina sat timidly on the sand in her sun-dress. She let they chilly ocean water surround her feet, then recede back to the endless blue water. Soon, her best friend Jackson came jogging up the beach away from a pillar of smoke."No one else seems to have survived the boat-wreck." he muttered sadly. plopping into the sand next to her."What do we do?" She sighed, resting her chin on her knees. The two teenagers whipped around when they heard a rustling from the forest A group of elderly people emerged wearing strange robes."Follow." They said simply. Kristina looked at Jackson."We have no where else to go." She ran after them, Jackson eventually following.

Clover gazed in horror at the scene. Blood stained the dry grass that surrounded the clearing. She heard the moaning of Elder Sky and ran to her. All the other tribe members laid lifelessly on the ground. She supported Sky up."Sign," Sky said faintly, her once beautiful face very pale."Ancestors say, tribe begin again." Clover let her tears fall silently as the Elder grew frailer."You lead for new beginning." Sky's head fell back, and Clover hugged the body.

As Clover and Haven stood their last memorial, she spoke."Sky told me this was a sign from the ancestors. She said I was to lead the tribe for a new beginning." Haven nodded."Looks like we have no other choice." The friends hugged and trudged back to camp silently. Clover silently prayed to the ancestors.Please let this tribe rise again. I won't let Sky die in vain.

Misty Bog

The one unhappy place in our island, we tend to stay away from this place. The only reason we go near it is when a Trainee has to prove themselves worth of a warrior. If they can cross across the bog safely, they become a true warrior and highly honored.

♥♫Φ JOIN Φ♫♥

Welcome to our island! You may want to hope you don't mean us harm. What is your purpose here? Did you crash? Have you washed up on our shores? Oh, forgive me. I am Clover, Leader of the tribe of the moon. Maybe you would like to join us, since it is impossible to survive on this island without help. However, you'll need to give me some information.


Old Name (Normal):
New Name (Unusual):
Paragraph about self (Personality, History, Crush, etc.):
Pet(What animal):
Pet name (Required if you have pet):
Pet pic (Required if you have pet):

Bold=Not available
